Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve

order: Beetles (Coleoptera)

78 Observations

photo of Beetles (Coleoptera)

order: Beetles (Coleoptera)

Quality grade
I think these are beetle tracks, but welcome correction. I am not aware of beetles this size in central Minnesota--though my insect knowledge is quite limited.
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28 Observed species for Beetles (Coleoptera)

Species Interactions

The species with links are species that have observations.


  • Springtails (Collembola)
  • Fungi Including Lichens (Fungi)
  • Mites And Ticks (Acari)
  • Isopods (Isopoda)
  • Flies (Diptera)
  • Beetles (Coleoptera)
  • Plants (Plantae)
  • True Sedges (Carex)
  • Blue Grama (Bouteloua gracilis)
  • Rubber Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa)
  • Red Algae (Rhodophyta)
  • Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)
  • Cyanobacteria (Cyanobacteria)
  • (Melosira)
  • Dune Stinkhorn (Phallus hadriani)
  • (Plectoptera)
  • (Detritus)
  • (no name)
  • (rotting wood)
  • (nectar and floral)
  • (Isoptera)
  • (leaves)
  • (roots)
  • Little Long-fingered Bat (Miniopterus australis)
  • (live leaves)
  • (Magnoliophyta)
  • (live wood)
  • Purple Threeawn (Aristida purpurea)
  • Cutleaf Evening Primrose (Oenothera laciniata)
  • Hoary False Goldenaster (Heterotheca canescens)
  • (Peritoma serrulata)
  • (Atriplex canescens)
  • Upright Prairie Coneflower (Ratibida columnifera)
  • Stiff Greenthread (Thelesperma filifolium)
  • Fringed Sagebrush (Artemisia frigida)
  • Dotted Gayfeather (Liatris punctata)
  • (Psoralidium tenuiflorum)
  • Matchweeds And Snakeweeds (Gutierrezia)
  • (Hesperostipa comata)
  • Red Milkwoods (Mimusops)
  • (Erythroxlum sechellarum)
  • (Chondrosum gracile)
  • (broom snakeweed (forb/shrub))
  • (slimflower scurf pea (forb/shrub))
  • (red three-awn (grass))
  • (hairy golden aster (forb/shrub))
  • (fourwing saltbrush (forb/shrub))
  • (cutleaf evening primrose (forb/shrub))
  • Wavy-leaf Thistle (Cirsium undulatum undulatum)
  • (rubber rabbit brush (forb/shrub))
  • (greenthread (forb/shrub))
  • (carex (grass))
  • (needle and thread (grass))
  • (dotted gayfeather (forb/shrub))
  • (Cocconeis)
  • (Gomphonema subclavatum)
  • (Khakista)
  • (Rossithidium linearis)
  • (Gomphonema parvulum)
  • (Tabellaria flocculosa)
  • (Synedra ulna)
  • (Fragilaria vaucheriae)
  • (Cymbella minuta)
  • (Anguis fragilis)
  • Mesostigs (Mesostigmata)
  • (Roots)
  • (Leaves)
  • (Nectar and floral)
  • (Arcytophyllum nitidum)
  • (Rhopalodia)
  • (Surirella)
  • (Gomphonema)
  • (Fragilaria)
  • (Frustulia rhomboides)
  • (Nitzschia)
  • (Epithemia sorex)
  • (Navicula rhynchocephala)
  • (Cyclotella)
  • (Navicula)
  • (Rhoicosphenia curvata)
  • (Radicites)
  • (Melosira italica)
  • (Plant cells)
  • (Gomphonema angustatum)
  • (Navicula avenacea)
  • (Eunotia)
  • (Aulacoseira)
  • (Surirella tenera)
  • (Pinnularia)
  • (Gomphonema truncatum)
  • (Meridion circulare)
  • (Synedra rumpens)
  • (Moss cells)
  • (Surirella elegans)
  • (Echinella)
  • (Gomphoneis herculeana)
  • (Unidentified sp1 FW_013_03)
  • (Ulothrix)
  • Frog-spawn Algae (Batrachospermum)
  • (Asterionella)

Preys on


Eaten by

Preyed upon by

Species interaction data comes from GloBI.

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iNaturalist taxa