Global Ocean Surface Ecosystem Alliance (GO-SEA)

genus: (Enhydra)

7 Observations

photo of Southern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris nereis)

subspecies: Southern Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris nereis)

Quality grade
The dead sea otter was brought in by high tide ca. 6 hours earlier. Mike Harris of CA Fish and Wildlife will check it out tomorrow, but judging by the photos it is very decomposed. The female sea otter was a 1-1.5 year old female with many shark teeth marks. Harris did the analysis on 9/13/21, decapitated the otter for lab analysis, and buried the rest of the body. The otter had been dead ca. 7 days. I'd not seen any turkey vultures or gulls at the body. Harris told me that they cannot get through the thick hair of the otter and so can get access only to open holes in the body. The flies were making progress there, however.
Coordinates are obscured
Taxon is threatened or rare so the coordinates are obscured.
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3 Observed species for (Enhydra)

Species Interactions

The species with links are species that have observations.

Eaten by

  • (prehistoric Aleut man)

Preyed upon by

  • (prehistoric Aleut man)
  • Banded Krait (Bungarus fasciatus)

Species interaction data comes from GloBI.

More Information

iNaturalist taxa