Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve

species: Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus)

8 Observations

photo of Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus)

species: Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus)

Quality grade
This is the first time I have ever successfully trailed a frog--if you can call it that. We picked up this very fresh trail as we were walking back to our cars after a morning of tracking. We had walked this road only a little over an hour earlier. Very strangely, both the individual tracks and the stride length were getting smaller the longer we followed the trail--enough so that we checked several times to make sure it was indeed a single continuous trail. When we "caught up" to the animal, the answer to our puzzle was revealed. This poor frog was drying out and shriveling up as it hopped! we're not really sure why it left the pond in the first place.
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Species Interactions

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Species interaction data comes from GloBI.

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