Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve

genus: Wolves And Dogs (Canis)

127 Observations

photo of Wolves And Dogs (Canis)

genus: Wolves And Dogs (Canis)

Quality grade
A puzzling canid trail. These tracks are unusually large and robust for coyote, but surprisingly small and delicate for wolf. The most unusual feature of the trail is the stride length -- 140 to 160cm (55" - 63" same foot to same foot). The only canid I have ever measured trotting strides that long for is a wolf. I would not be surprised if a few long-legged dog breeds could leave strides that long, but the track morphology isn't a match for any of the large breeds I am familiar with. Greyhounds are hare-footed; Malamutes and Great Danes are cat-footed. Domestic dogs are uncommon (and prohibited) on the property, but show up form time to time. The animal's behavior, track pattern and foot morphology were all more typical of a wild canid. This is a bit of a mystery for now--and may be associated with the mysterious canine scat we found nearby this summer: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/91572879 https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/91572880 https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/91572881
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2 Observed species for Wolves And Dogs (Canis)

Species Interactions

The species with links are species that have observations.


  • Grasshoppers, Crickets, And Katydids (Orthoptera)
  • (Aporosaura)
  • Old World Moles And Desmans (Talpinae)
  • (Ctenarytaina thysanura)
  • (Typhlosaurus)
  • (Suricata suricatta)
  • (Gazella gazella)
  • (Redunca fulvorufula)
  • (Axis porcinus)
  • (Cervus eldii)
  • (Raphicerus melanotis)
  • Southern Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum)
  • (Macaca sylvanus)
  • (Pelea capreolus)

Eaten by

  • Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
  • Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)
  • Dhole (Cuon alpinus)
  • Leopard (Panthera pardus)
  • Lion (Panthera leo)
  • (Hyaena brunnea)

Species interaction data comes from GloBI.

More Information

iNaturalist taxa